Thursday, August 12, 2010

design mistakes and my "rules"

Ok everyone, my friend advised me that the pagelayout/color scheme I had chosen probably wasnt the best choice, as the "reversed out text" can screw with peoples eyeballs. So voila'! I changed it. (thanks for the tip J) i think this one suits me better anyway. As I am new to this whole blogging thing any advice is welcomed, so please feel free to make suggestions! I also want to thank all of you for your feedback, it really means alot and is very encouraging! After seeing Dr. Wynn and realizing that the weight gain is my own fault, I knew I had to get back on track. I figured the best way was to go "back to basics". The first thing I did was talk to my family about supporting me (aka kicking my rear-end when I get out of line), I started Googling everything I could think of about gastric bypass, and I joined a couple of online support groups. I started reading blogs by other GBP patients (check out my links to some other awesome blogs, you wont be sorry!)and I came up with my own personal plan to stick with. I gave myself "pouch rules" and posted encouraging notes all over my house. I put my before and after pics up on the fridge at eye level so that I have to confront my demons everytime I open that door. Then I figured I needed to start exercising so I came up with a plan to increase my activity. Thats probably the hardest for me, cuz I am a total couch potato and I love snuggling up and veggin out. Although, I will admit that I feel amazing after a decent workout! I started finding GBP friendly recipes and changed my eating habits. (drumroll pleez)I have lost 8 pounds in the past 4 weeks! I am actually enjoying my workouts, I am loving finding and trying new recipes, and now my hope is that this little blog o' mine will help keep me motivated! In case anyone is wondering...these are the "pouch rules" that I am following... 1. Increase water intake, sip lots of water throughout the day, 15 minutes before meal, drink large amount of water 2. Eat dense protein FIRST 3. NO drinking with meals/no drinking til 1 to 2 hours after finishing meal 4. make sure not to go longer than 5 hours between meals Sounds simple I know, but when you have been non-compliant for a long time, they are HARD bad habits to break. Oh great, now I have that song (you're a hard habit to break) in my head. I hate that. check out this great article"pouch rules for dummies" for more info I will post some before/after pics as soon as I can get the scanner hooked up to the laptop :) Highlights of my day: 1. got to take a nap 2. my PCP agreed to write the letter of medical necessity for my panniculectomy and breast reduction...YAAAAYYY! Currently listening to: you're a hard habit to break (over and over and over in my head )

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