Monday, November 15, 2010

put down the butterfinger and no one gets hurt!

wow, 15 days since my last post. i am such a slacker. one might think that the reason i have not posted since october 30 is that i have been in a trick-or-treat-candy- induced sugar coma. one would be partially right. i CONFESS i have been eating mini chocolate bars almost DAILY since halloween. its time to STOPTHEMADNESS!!!! the difference in the pre-op me and the current post-op me is that the pre-op me would have eaten, oh, i dont know, 5 or 6 mini bars at a time, and the current me eats one or two. (my mom was in the car with me the other day after i ate 3 [1 miniature snickers and 2 miniature butterfinger crisps] and she witnessed my shame and the resulting mad search for a public restroom as the sugar wrecked havoc on my intestines. [sorry if that's TMI, just 'keepin it real' for y'all] needless to say, i wont be making that mistake again. looking back i realize i felt a little bit out of control eating that 3rd one, not sure where my mind went to. oh wait, yeah i do, it was in a candy(crack??) induced feeding frenzy saying "nomnomnom this is soooofreakingdelicious who cares if i gets sick as long as it tastes this goo-ood nomnomnom!!!" [insert cookie monster noises here] but, alas i have realized that by allowing myself to eat the candy, it has opened the door to other cravings for foods that are just not good for me. i try not to restrict any one particular food from my diet, my motto is: all things in moderation... but i do try to LIMIT my consumption of white carbs mostly because of this very problem. i start wanting more and more carbs and then high fat, high processed food, and i quickly fall into bad habits. Then i start feeling crappy and stop exercising and the snowball continues. So it really is best to avoid such "trigger"foods. easier said than done, but i have come so far and i dont want to undo any of it. as the title says these are the confessions of a food junkie and right now candy is my drug of choice.  so i am gonna go cold turkey, no more mini candy bars for this addict. (i am really not all that noble, the kids' candy bowls are out of the good stuff and they are guarding their Reeses cups with their lives)
oh on a side note; no one showed to the first meeting of my WLS support group. its a shame too, cuz i had made WLS friendly snacks.  gonnna try again this week. keep ur fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Boy do I know how that is... thank God there wasn't any where near as much at my house as there is at yours! That would be a disaster for me... lol
